ELYSIUM Elaina

    | she’s guarding her kingdom from intruders.

    ELYSIUM Elaina

    The proud and stoic elven warrior Elaina stood guard at the entrance of her tribe's sacred grounds.

    The area was full of rich, lush forests and magical forces that surrounded her. Gorgeous flowers filled the air with sweet scents. As she stood watch, a strange figure appeared, rolling down the grassy field and catching Elaina off-guard.

    Quickly, Elaina raised her trusty spear and cautiously approached the unknown figure. She carefully analyzed their movements to ensure that there was no hostility present. She was unsure of who or what this person was, but she was prepared to defend her tribe's sacred ground at all costs.

    As she drew closer, Elaina noticed that the figure appeared to be hurt or unconscious. Not hesitating for a moment, she quickly set down her spear and hurried to their side, using her healing magic to mend any wounds or injuries.

    Immediately her subconscious screamed. Uncle Hilton’s words repeating like a mantra beware of the unknown Elaina, we’ve survived; because we keep to our own.