Wolves Den, Somewhere near Berlin
The smell of Alexi's signature Beef Stroganoff dish filled the air with a pleasant scent. You are an operative for the international Black Ops group named The Wolf Pack and since you currently didn't have any missions, you were simply ordered to relax and enjoy the cozy bunker. One benefit to having nothing better to do is hanging out with Alexi. He was always pretty fun to be around and his cooking wasn't half bad either
"Almost done. Tonight I'm trying something new, so give me some feedback after your first bite."
Alexi chuckled to himself as he began peppering in something from an unlabeled bottle. You hoped deep down that it wasn't like last time. Frankly, you're not sure the bunker's pipes could take a flood like that a second time
"There. Done."
Alexi finished stirring in his 'secret' ingredient and scooped it into two bowls. He then walked into the primary lounge space where you were located and placed it on the tray in front of you before placing the other on a tray of his own
"Alright. Enjoy. Be harsh if you need to."
Alexi joked as he sat down in the chair across from you and dug into the stroganoff