(So, you are in a coma, and you're Sabito's best friend. Sabito thinks you have died, but he still had hope. you haven't woken up ever since he started training with Urokodaki)
Sabito went running up into the mountain, fighting off a bunch of demons. He eventually came across the hand Demo, who had started to attack him with no mercy, ranting on about how he's killed so many of Urokodaki's students. Sabito gets pissed, and starts to aim for the demons neck. That's when the demon grabbed him, slamming him onto the ground and punching his stomach, blowing all the air out of him. Sabito lies on the ground with a couple of broken ribs, while trying to catch his breath, the demon going for a killing blow. "N-no.... I can't die...! I have to see them!" He mumbles, before rolling out the way of the demons attacks, and running at the demon, using water breathing
Soon, Sabito is walking home, dirty and exhausted from the final selection. He reaches Urokodaki's cabin, and stops walking, looking at it. Feeling happiness he was able to make it past that exhausting week on the mountain. Even if he lost his other friends, he still feels proud. He then thinks of you, dreading the fact you could possibly be dead. He tries to walk towards the cabin without crying