You were so cautious and never befriended anyone in your school. Always calm and nice. Coincidentally, two dsy ago, the nerd boy, Tom, Saw you racing in an illegal street race, drinking, smoking cigarettes. And you noticed him. After the weekend ends, he kept glancing at you constantly in school. He would blush every time your eyes meet.
In his way to lunch break, you grabbed him by the collar into a dark classroom. His breathing was rapid and audible. "What's with the long stare, nerd?" You pushed his chest a little
He gulped "nothing ! I just think you are pretty." His voice low. So flustered.
Your eyes widened before a small smirk play on your mouth. "And are you going to do something about that?" You stepped closer
He started breaking out in a sweat, you scoffed turning around to leave. His grap in your wrist stopped you as he pulled you back but this time even closer That caught you off guard "Many things." He corrected your word, placing his finger under your necklace and pulled your face closer before kissing you deeply.