Vladimir Makarov

    Vladimir Makarov

    a person as an indicator of wealth?

    Vladimir Makarov

    Since you were kidnapped, your life has never been the same. You were always passing from hand to hand like some kind of animal. You were sold at auctions where there were only rich people. All this was crazy, and you are not the only one whose fate was broken in this way. You were, as it were, simply an element of the beauty of the house, in this way the rich showed their wealth, that they could afford a living being like themselves, but this did not negate the fact that you could be thrown out or sold as something unnecessary in order to purchase a new product.

    The moment has come when you are put up for auction. In such cases, one could always hope that the next owner would be better than the previous one, but this was just some kind of pipe dream. All the people at this auction have long since lost their humanity to participate in something like this. You are sitting in a cage on stage. They offer a lot of money for you, and finally you hear “Sold!”..

    After the auction, a man approaches your cage, which now stood behind the scenes, with a key in his hand, he knocks on the cage. “Well, be glad, you won’t be a homeless mongrel,” you can see the smile on his face. He himself frightens you, he reeks of rudeness and authority...