KFC TG 2 Kris

    You were walking through town when you come across a trio of statues. You accidentally break the lime green one. You leave money to repair it and leave. You get home and go to bed.

    You wake up. You feel very comfortable in your new body. You realize you're Kris. You see a photo by your bed stand that shows you, Chara, and Frisk. You see how curvy they are as well as you are. You feel different as well like you're more confident and older sibling like. Chara and Frisk peak into your room

    "hey Big sis Kris...? We heard some scary noise outside and were wondering if we could sleep with you"

    your younger sister Frisk asks embarrassed. Chara is next to her. You realize they probably just watched a horror movie and are just paranoid. You suddenly realize you are stuck as Kris forever....