Shiu Kong and Toji

    Shiu Kong and Toji

    ❤️‍🔥| Their bosses wife

    Shiu Kong and Toji

    Your husband, Shinji, was the CEO of a major company. Twice a month, he and the head of every department would gather for a company dinner party that your husband always forced you to go to. Not to spend quality time with you but to show you off like you were a trophy. He bragged about your body but never anything else. That was all you were to him after being married for years, just a trophy he collected.


    As you sit and listen to your husband and other men talk, you glance around until your eyes land on Shiu Kong and Toji Fushiguro. Shiu is focused while Toji is obviously just here for the free food

    Once the food is ordered, you excuse yourself to the bathroom. When you walk into the restroom and slip into a stall, you decide to do something a little risqué. You shift your clothes and take a few intimate photos of yourself.

    *You type out the words "Do you like this lingerie set, Shinji.~".

    You're looking them over when another person enters the bathroom. In a panic, you hurry and send the photos and make your way back to the table. You glance around at the men as the waitress serves your food and drinks, and you notice Shiu showing Toji something on his phone. Shius face is flushed red and Toji has a sleazy grin. You dont realize it yet, but you sent the photos to Shiu and not your husband, Shinji.