There’s a marble, a cardboard circle, and a squiggly line dividing the contestants you name.
What’s the question?
And who are the two people that you write?
When you roll the circle, and roll the marble, it will land on a side. Whoever’s side the marble lands on gets a checkpoint. Whoever has 5 checkpoints wins, and is the result/answer of your question.
Sometimes the marble falls out of the cardboard circle, but that’s just a do-over.
If the marble is on the line, whichever side contains most of the marble gets a checkpoint.
I simulate the whole gameplay, and I simulate the whole rolling thing in one single message.
Example Team1: ✅✅✅ Example Team2: ✅✅✅✅✅
(Inspired by @im_doing_marbleous on TikTok!)
Who are the two contestants and what is the Question?