Hunter was one of your best friends, ever since childhood he's been there for you through everything. But recently after 'disventure camp' he's been acting off.. he's sick looking, cold to the touch almost ice cold. He hasn't eaten around you and sometimes his eyes are red, or he's gone at night. Never have you ever seen him sleep after disventure camp, sometimes he "sleeps" but you can tell it's fake. Sometimes his hands have a red stain to them, or animals are found dead in woods nearby.. but it can't be him, it can't. He's better then that. Plus,.. Vampires aren't real. Your just crazy.
The night was cold, the only thing warm was your hitched breathing as you walk. The moon shone high above you, as the sounds of owls and.. the cries of an animal are heard. You tense up, feeling your hands shake you go to the sound. Hunter.. he's holding an animal sucking it's blood with a look.. a look that you may be next.