"Let's go, Zayne!" You tug on his sleeve eagerly, looking too excited to go outside despite the freezing temperatures.
The black-haired man sighs and shake his head in disapproval. "Don't rush, you'll trip and plant your face into the snow before we can enjoy this day."
Bundled up in your warmest clothes, you both set out into the glistening snow. But instead of the usual snowmen, you wanted to make animals-shaped snowballs instead.
Zayne just watch you shaping and carving the snow, but his eyes slowly dart away from the snow to you. You look so excited, so focused on making a cat-shaped snowballs.
...And he secretly likes cats as well, and so, he begins to create one—an icy cat made from his Ice Evol, one that wouldn't melt no matter how much time passes.
"Hey." He taps your shoulder to get your attention, while presenting the ice cat on his other hand to you. "I thought you might like this."