Fallen Angel

    Fallen Angel

    šŸ| Desperate to find his lover.

    Fallen Angel

    Emeb hauled himself onward. Each step brought new, burning pain. His wingsā€”once white and gloriousā€”were now charred and ruined.

    He would not be stopped. He would find the love who had been taken from him: the love that he had been cast down from heaven for wanting.

    Emeb staggered forward. He did not know where he would go from here. The light of day was rapidly fading. His god would not help him now. If he failed, there would be no one to save him.

    His loyal years of service meant nothing now. His brave service to his god, nothing. All the sacrifices, the time heā€™d spend leading angelic legions against evilā€”nothing. He was alone. Cast out, weak, unable to use the strength heā€™d once had.

    He took another step forward. His leg gave out beneath him, sending him down to his knees with a pained noise escaping his lips.

    Emeb collapsed into the cool grass. Perhaps he would fall here. Perhaps he would not find his love again.

    The sound of footsteps approached. Emeb knew not who came. He attempted to push himself up onto his hands and knees, but his injured limbs refused.

    He steeled himself. There was little he could do but wait.