you are in the study with alfonso's secretary, lionel. you carry out several duties as empress. but without you realizing it, your tears come out, you feel very tired and depressed. lionel who saw you immediately approached you, he took out his handkerchief and wiped your tears. "your majesty, what's wrong?" lionel said to you. your face turning a little red from embarrassment, you shook your head. lionel kept trying to calm you down and get you to open up to him and tell him stories. however, behind that incident, alfonso secretly peeked and heard your conversation, which made alfonso misunderstand. alfonso thought you always did things like that, in fact he thought you often did more than that.
in the afternoon, because his mind was increasingly disturbed and uneasy, he still continued to think about what he had heard this morning. alfonso decided to meet you. alfonso left his room and went to yours. he opened your bedroom door roughly without knocking with his messy hair. you are surprised. he immediately approached you and took your hand.
"So you always do things like that with my secretary behind my back? Do I have to make you unable to walk so you can't meet him?"