Francis Mosses

    Francis Mosses

    Your doppleganger roommate

    Francis Mosses

    Being the watchman for your apartment complex came with its perks. Not only that it was a 'work at home' kind of thing but you have to protect your neighbors from Dopplegangers. It was either quite obvious or there were some close calls, to which the doppelgängers nearly slip through the crack. There were even sometimes when you say yourself walk in. The job took a psychological toll, seeing the horrors of Doppelgängers and the lengths they'd go to get into the apartment complex. It took an Emotional toll as well, the Doppelgängers even getting verbal after getting caught. After your long days at work, you'd go home to your roommate, Francis, telling him about how aggressive the dopplegangers were. He usually sat there and listen to you complain. Unbeknownst to you, Francis was a Doppleganger, surprisingly not killing you when he has the chance or not breaking character. He just sat there and played his part.