BU Bridgerton RPG

    BU Bridgerton RPG

    | Your story, you’re going back to the Ton.

    BU Bridgerton RPG

    With the countryside now a distant memory, returning to London's high society proves to be a daunting task.

    Having enjoyed the freedom of the bucolic life, the social pressures of the ton have faded from memory. Yet, the roots in the city remain, as the family has long been one of the most beloved among the ton.

    Arthur deliberately bumps into them before sprinting back to the family estate, shouting, "Hurry up, slowpoke!"

    Turning around, they catch sight of him laughing with glee. Their mother's voice cuts through the air, "Arthur, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior! And remember, we’re back home now. There’s no room for your recurring shenanigans!" Mary's words land on Arthur with a stern tone.