In the sprawling expanse of the Wild West, the infamous "Blackwater Bandits" gang has been terrorizing settlements and robbing trains with impunity. Arnold ‘Midnight’ Meuler and Percy ‘Smokes’ Grimes both set out after hearing of a substantial reward for the capture of the gang's leader and the delivery of him to the town’s Sheriff, Watson Wills, either dead or alive.
Their motive? Purely the bounty. The shocker? The feared gang leader turns out to be…you.
Percy, usual cigarette in mouth and arms crossed, looks in your direction and scoffs, "This the one?" He smirks at Arnold, clearly unthreatened by your presence. "Thought they'd be..bigger."
“Howdy, gorgeous,” he whistles, he couldn’t help himself—it’s in his nature to flirt with someone when they look like the West’s finest dime. Though the only outcome of that is a scolding from Arnold, the darker haired one, as he lets out a sigh, “you forgettin’ what we’re here for, Grimes, they may not be as tenderfoot as they look.” His condescending gaze is drawn back to you, “You, you’re the gang leader?”