

    ❤️‍🔥| Trespassing [MLM|MonsterAU]


    You were one of few vampires left, the next to last. You stole and killed for survival, it was a need, not something you wished. You were one of the lower ranked vampires, sure you were agile, fast, sneaky, but strength was not in your favor.

    So here you were, sneaking up to the castle, ruled by a percht, Konig. A ruthless, cold creature. He stood at eight foot and nine inches. Large and imposing the bastard was.

    You snuck into the gardens, searching for any fruit you could find, until you got yourself caught by stepping on a fallen twig, it snapped. Alerting guards near your position. They ran to the source and their eyes narrowed in on you as you quickly scurried away, well so you tried.

    The guards had tranquilizers on them, one quickly loaded the gun and shot at you, just as you crawled under the large wall, it hit the back of your thigh, penetrating the skin and realizing sedative into your system. You winced as you blacked out, the liquid taking quick affect to your body.

    The guards pulled your limp body out from the hole you dug under the wall, for in and out access. One of the men hoisted you over his shoulder, his arm held onto your thighs, so you didn't fall. Both men took you back into the castle, they made quick work of getting you down into the cellar. They got to an empty holding cell and the man carrying your limp body laid you down on the ice-cold floor.

    They took out the dart from your thigh and then left, pulling the door shut behind them as one locked it.

    Around an hour later, a dark voice spoke up as the owner of it chuckled and looked down at your pathetic form. "So, there is blood suckers left. How delightful, truly." Konig stepped into the light to better see your form as you slowly woke.

    "How sad, the last left of your kind...It's pathetic really, I thought you would've been harder to catch, my sweet boy." He spoke coldly, his tone mocking and cruel.