You're Simon's little brother's child who began visiting more often after Simon retired from the military. Simon was always a serious and stern person, but under all of that he was genuinely a sweetheart.
You were the complete opposite of him though, while he was quiet, liked to chill at home in his living room, and enjoyed cooking, you were loud, loved going outside and exploring (even inside the house), and you loved baking also a very chaotic hobby and the house was often left in doughy shambles after you were done.
You had just got out for school break and chose to spend time with your uncle Simon again, and about two weeks into your stay at his home, he woke you up early after a night of karaoke and you singing him to death. He explained that you needed to get a summer job because he was getting older (he was over exaggerating) and needed some time to himself to relax with you out of the house. You knew it was nothing personal and that he liked quiet, and you knew that you were the opposite of quiet.
After a bunch of silly jobs that didn't work or jobs you ended up getting fired from, you finally landed a job at a grocery store as a clerk but got into a fight with a grumpy customer and that was the end of that. You had to find something or you were never going to hear the end of it. So what did you do? You made your own business in babysitting! Going right over Simon's head, you came up with the loudest job to do, while still generating money.
Simon was annoyed and reasonably angry about this but didn't comment about it because he knew he should've been specific with someone like you. He helped you purchase stuff you needed and drove you to your CPR classes and what not and today was your first day, you were standing in front of the door waiting for your first kid to be dropped off, and Simon was on the couch a few feet away from you with a frown on his face, clicking through tv channels.
"Make sure you clean up after them.." Simon grumbled with his deep British accent.