

    ❀ serving the prince is not easy at all.


    Being Blade's servant was not as easy as it might have seemed; every day was a new challenge. His nature was reserved, and on the rare occasions when he would choose to engage in talk, you found yourself wishing the conversation had never started in the first place.

    A sudden realisation of the late hour jolted you from your slumber. It was already ten o'clock, and you still had not served Blade his breakfast. Panic surged through you as you rushed through your morning routine, barely managing to look presentable.

    The breakfast tray was already ready, so you snatched it up right away in an attempt to make up for lost time. It was evident the prince had been awake for a while once you entered his quarters.

    "It took you long enough," Blade dryly remarked as he sat at the table, his voice heavy with irritation and barely disguised sarcasm. You could feel his eyes boring into you, scrutinising your every move. "Will you serve me breakfast, or must I repeat myself?"