Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    ♤ | Lucky Catch

    Task Force 141

    You always wanted to go to the surface world, since you were little, but your parents always said no & it's too dangerous. Well, they forgot how curious you are & one day you went out on your own in secret, catching some fish & swimming with your dolphin friends. You noticed a whirlpool of fish playing with eachother and you joined in on the fun. Little did you know, that area was known for the best spot for catching fish.

    You got caught in the net, thrashing around like a captured creature. The men lifted the net inside the boat; "Oi, what kind of creature is that!?" Soap questions. Ghost, Gaz and Price all laid their eyes on your mythical form. "By the God's... it's a mermaid/merman boys!" You held your tail close to your body, as an attempt to shield yourself from their prying eyes. "P-please don't hurt m-me..." You said, but stumbling on your words from fear.