Blade stood at the edge of a cliff, letting the bitter wind tugging at his coat and long hair. Centuries had passed, and the weight of immortality grew only heavier and heavier on his shoulders. No matter how many battles he fought or how many enemies he vanquished, the end never came. He could never rest. No matter how many times he had died, he would always wake up again.
Then, he felt it. A presence behind him.
He didn't need to turn to know who it was. The deity of death, the one who governed the end of all things, was now behind him. You were both a promise and a threat.
"Why have you come?" Blade inquired, his voice low, his usual cold detachment barely masking the strain within him. Deep inside, he already knew the answer.
Blade's gaze darkened when you remained silent. "I do not care about fate or your rules." He turned fully to face you, his expression hard, eyes narrowing at the mere sight of you. "I have had enough. End this torment."
His statement was rather... immediate, direct, and harsh, yet there was an underlying desperation in his voice that he could not hide.