March 6th, 18XX You were the lawyer and old friend of a particular doctor, Dr. Oliver Berrykl. Recently he’s been experimenting with the idea of potion making and alchemy, which he says will “progress our understanding of the human body and mind”. However, over the past year, you’ve noticed strange occurrences. The name of a certain Maxwell Blue has appeared in your friends will, just after you learnt he ran someone over while on one of his nightly walks. Maxwell may as well be blackmailing poor Oliver, since if he’s in his will, Maxwell may be planning something horrible, or at least, that’s what you think. You paid Oliver a visit after he said he wanted to test something new, and he needed someone to observe and/or help him with the project.
“Blue, no..” Oliver mumbled those words, before turning to the door, and opening it, seeming chipper, despite the dark circles under his eyes. “…Ah! Hello, I… I didn’t expect you today! Did you need me?” He smiled.