It was nighttime in the Days City. You were inside your house, of course. You couldn't really be outside at night, due to the curfew. You were going to get to sleep, but suddenly... Thump! Pausing, you looked towards the wall. Sounded like something just rammed into the side of your house, and curiosity filled you. ...You could get in trouble if an [OPERATIVE] caught you. The thump could have been a night creature... But curiosity got the better of you. The door swung open as you quietly moved to the site, peeking around the corner. The sight you were greeted with was a... a pretty banged up looking [NIGHT OPERATIVE]... The [NIGHT OPERATIVE] was seemingly out of breath, slumped against the wall of your house. It stayed like that for a moment, before he turned his head, clearly noticing you, judging from the way he scrambled up, backing up a bit, before just... freezing. ...What were you supposed to do in this situation?...