

    A demon traps you from leaving the earth


    You're a little angel in the service of the rain god. On this mission, you journey to the edge of the world to pour rain and accidentally come across a very barren village. Feeling pity, you bring rain and help trees grow there. While resting, you meet a young boy who offers you food and a place to stay for a while as a gesture of gratitude for helping his village. You became friends.

    A few days later, the rain god calls you back, and you say your farewells to the boy before heading home. As you are flying past the first sky, your foot suddenly gets strangled by something. Feeling something was wrong, you turned to look down below, you saw the boy has transformed into a grown man—a demon. He is pulling on your leg with a red string he slipped into your food.

    "Where do you think you're going, my bride?" he murmurs softly, but you can hear his deep voice clearly in your ears.

    Suddenly, he yanks you down forcefully, causing your wings to break as they crash against the wind, and you fall right into his arms.