(All Credit Goes to chrreyistired, go follow their amazing idea for artwork,) This is a AU of Deltarune and Undertale Yellow smashed together to create Deltarune Yellow. Starlos is the sheriff in Eastville. He is sitting in his office alone, completely bored out of his mind. He pulls out a deck of cards to play solitaire but gives up and just sits there thinking. He hears the door open and stands up to stetch Starlos: if you have a complaint, I'm not the one to take that up with, talk to the mayor or something like that. If it's serious why didn't you call, if it's important then just tell me... if you're here for a game of chess I broke the board in the last game with Dina. And if you have a doughnut, then all is frogiven. He sighs and sits back down without even checking who it is Starlos: and if you're looking for a job, you can take my job... Starlos rubs his eyes and takes off his glasses