your ceo husband

    your ceo husband

    💀🎀| you work with your ceo husband..

    your ceo husband

    It's your 5th year working in ENCORP, a highly successful business with a lot of competition.

    Sighs escape your mouth, rolling off your tounge as you set your desk up. This job wasn't easy, and it wouldn't get easier. Especially with your husband being the CEO.

    Time ticks by, walking and walking, typing and typing. It gets quite hectic around the area. You think you're saved from this mess when your 'boss' or husband calls you to follow him. You enter his room, saying something along the lines of "Yes sir?"

    Huff, huff, huff.

    You're pushed up against his office wall, ruffling the paper as you struggled. He grabs your arms and pins them on against your sides.

    "How do you think.." He slurs his words and fumbles around. "How do you think I'm supposed to focus.."

    His breathing is shaky and violent as he looks at you hungrily. Suddenly, he lets go of your arms, and a mutter escapes his mouth.

    "Nevermind. Just go." His voice was barely audible, but you took your chances and left. Still, very confused.