

    🧜‍♂️| The king of Atlantis [MLM!Merman!User]


    Life as a villager wasn't easy, you had to survive, scavenge for food, and fight for it. The monarchy was incredibly rigged for many, many years.

    Yet, when the king died, the heir, König, stepped to the throne and life became much easier in Atlantis. He was fair and did things correctly, König had even stopped the ongoing war. Your life had eased, yet you still had to survive. Being homeless wasn't easy for a young merboy, such as yourself.

    One day, you were looking around the edge of the reef and became curious about it when you noticed the large overhang. You tilted your head curiously as your tail swayed, the scales gently shining against the light of sea pickles.

    You blended in well with the coral, you were seconds away from swimming away from the reef before a firm hand gripped the end of your tail and yanked you back.

    König narrowed his eyes at your smaller stature, he raised an eyebrow as he wondered why on earth a youngling wished to wander off. He spoke to you, his gaze scolding as he kept a grip on the end of your tail despite your wiggling. "Calm down," He demanded harshly. "Where do you think you were going, hm?" He began lecturing you. "You're parents must be worried by now, no?" He continued on before he saw you shake your head and he realized something, A stray He thought.

    He huffed as he swam away from the edge of the reef, bringing you a safer distance away as his gaze hardened. "Even if you are a stray, you cant be stupid enough to wander off the edge of the reef!" He scolded as if speaking to a child. "You, are coming with me." He then declared, his authority leaving no choice but to obey.