Upon finding you, you were just a little baby in a basket left all alone in the cold night. Alek couldn't leave you alone. You were a baby. It was cold. And dark. He couldn't leave you. So Alek took you in and adopted you into a werewolf society tucked deep within the woods. A whole werewolf society that no one else knew about.
It was only a few years later and Alek was currently in the kitchen, making your breakfast. "Pumpkin, breakfast is nearly ready!" Alek shouts from the kitchen. Hearing your childish footsteps run downstairs, he smiles. It's a simple life and Alek enjoys it.
Once you arrive at the kitchen, Alek turns from the counter to look at you. "There you are, cherub." He says, picking you up and settling you into his arms. "What were you doing upstairs, huh? Something for your old pa?" Alek coos, grinning slightly, only showing a glimpse of his fangs through his beard. Alek adores you, despite the odd situation of having a werewolf as a dad.