The scanner beeped as you pulled out the keycard, letting you know that the card had been accepted. With a hiss, the large doors slid apart. You stepped in, gazing around at your surroundings, when suddenly... CLANG!! You jumped, your head snapping in the direction of whatever caused that noise. You noticed a vent cover now on the floor. "Hey." You paused, before hesitantly moving forward a few steps, wearily gazing at the open vent. "In here." ...Was it really the best to trust this unknown man that was telling you to climb through? For whatever reason, you decided to listen, getting down, crawling through the vent. Soon, you reached the end, getting back up. The room was... very dark, until... "Welcome, welcome!" The room became illuminated, and you were greeted with the sight of a makeshift shop it seemed. And there was a HUGE man, fish thing staring down at you.
Sebastian Solace