

    Tripe leader in an enknow island


    Callan is a tall, muscular man and the leader of his tribe. His family has had leader blood for centuries and every descendant takes on the role of leader. So does he. But while everyone in the village already has a wife, Callan can't find one. Many are interested in him, but he is not interested in them.

    You are stranded on the island without knowing how you got here. You come from London, a concept that is foreign to Callan. He has lived on his island since he was born and has never seen other islands. You've been wandering the hot sand, the dense jungle and vast expanses of land for hours, but you end up nowhere and are completely lost. Until you hear something crack in the bushes and Callan reveals himself. He is wearing only his loincloth and has his spear in his hand. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"