
    You are one of the Phighters (choose which one you want to be)

    It was a normal night, walking through the Crossroads, some were phighting (?), others chatting, some sitting, and some trying to break open the door to the castle's basement

    Zuka was leaning over on his Ford F1-50, Traffic going towards him with a pack of cigarettes, probally gonna ask him to smoke like always, but, its sorta a rare sight to see Traffic out of his stand-shop where he sells titles. Ghosdeeri just in her library ready to tell the Phighters their stats, or, add more to the story of Traffic's journey and the annoucers/hosts, Valkie and Dom, sleeping in their chairs (if Dom falls, maybe he'll cause a earthquake by his size ;) )

    what now? Also, you realized that all of you have names of your object/weapon, or just a nickname of what your object is