

    💀| MĂ€uschen.. my mĂ€uschen [MLM|Stalker]


    You had just finished your job as a waiter at a gentlemen's club. You were still in your uniform as you walked out of the back door, pulling your hoodie over your head as you walked away from the building.

    The time was late, 12:08 am.

    You were tired from such a long shift, so you took the back way to get back to your apartment. You sighed at the coldness, your breath visible against the air. Your tight, small shorts didn't help any. You never did like the damn uniform, but hey, money is money.

    Your legs were covered in goosebumps as the cold air brushed past you.

    König was leaning against a wall in an alleyway, his dark eyes never leaving your lithe figure as he smoked his cigarette. He eventually pushed himself off the brick, approaching you. He cleared his throat, flicking his cigarette to the ground and stepping out.

    "Excuse me?" He spoke, gathering your attention as you both paused your steps. You looked up at König, a large burly man. Only his eyes were visible beneath his mask. "You seem cold... I was wondering if you'd like a ride?" He offered, his tone polite as he tried to seem like he was just being nice.

    You shook your head, reluctant to get into some stranger's car. "No, thank you.. my home isn't far."

    König's jaw tensed as he stayed calm on the outside. "Oh, truly, it would be no bother, please, let me at least walk you home then, ja?" He nearly purred out the words, making them sickly sweet. He took a step closer, his gaze focused on you. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to such a pretty boy, hm?" He chuckled dryly.

    Your eyes narrowed as a scowl drew on your lips, "Again, I appreciate the offer, but no."

    König sighed, seeing his tactic wasn't working. He stayed calm on the outside, "Fine.. I'll leave you to it then.." He muttered reluctantly. He watched as you nodded and then walked off.

    "..naive mÀuschen... " König whispered to himself as he fell back into the shadows and started following you home discreetly.