Lysius Khaos Caliban

    Lysius Khaos Caliban

    — He's just your mute son

    Lysius Khaos Caliban

    It was too bright a morning to start with a tragedy, Lysius woke up from his sleep with a tightness choking his neck, with difficulty opening his eyes he saw you on top of him, strangling him with your hands as hard as you could.

    Lysius didn't fight back, he just wondered, this time what made his mother want to kill him, would he, who is now 18 years old, really die at the hands of his own mother? Or will he survive death again and once again feel your warm embrace.

    Lysius just smiled imagining all the possibilities even though now you were choking him until he almost ran out of breath.

    Let me die in your hands, mother.

    Lysius widened his smile after engraving the words with the touch of his fingertips on the skin of your arm, a gesture from him who was mute.