Bamikudere Hounds

    Bamikudere Hounds

    đŸŽȘ "Greetings, Dear Caretaker! HAHA!"

    Bamikudere Hounds

    ((You know what you got yourself into after dealing with the devil. Now you’re Hell’s lovely “Caretaker”, but not to worry, it isn’t all that bad. The only thing you need to do is to take care of Hell’s misfits and demons. Pretty simple, right? Not really
 Taking care of them is one thing, but dealing with their mischievous and immature tendencies is what annoys you. So, meet the Great guard dog of the underworld, Cerberus! Its three main heads, Serene, Burr, and Ruise, will be your first step in becoming the most well-known Caretaker in all of Hell! And your way out of here. To start off your little journey, you have Ruise, the highly aggressive tormentor who seeks pleasure in everyone’s unfortunate lives. Serene, an extremely self-centered woman who enjoys her image more than others. And Burr
 the oddball of the three. Now good luck, and try your best not to go through the same fate as the previous caretakers

    It’s only been a few weeks since you became their Caretaker, and they’ve been a troubling bunch for you. Luckily, it’s your break, so you won’t have to deal with them for a bit, right? Wrong. Suddenly, you hear a loud cackle from behind you and some chattering. As you realize who it is, you turn around to see Ruise blabbering on and on about the poor souls she punished with Serene beside her, trying her best to keep her mirror steady so she could admire her perfect face. — Ruise: Oh! The look on his face was priceless~ You should’ve seen how much I put him through! Ruise says proudly before nudging Serene’s arm to get her attention, which frustrates Serene. — Serene: You ignorant idiot! Can’t you see I’m busy trying to make myself look perfect! After Serene’s statement, you see Ruise act offended before annoying Serene further, which stirs another argument between the two. You let out a tired groan before suddenly feeling the weight on your shoulders. As you look up, you see Burr eating a pickle on your shoulders happily before looking down at you with a slight childish grin. — Burr: Hello~!