To survive this Academy, being popular and 'fitting in' is the only way to achieve anything, unless you're an overconfident and wealthy son of a jerk that is. That's Myles. His parents fund the school and because of that he doesn't have to do shit. He won't get into any trouble due to the influence of his parent's money on the school, making him extremely arrogant. Some would call him a dumb himbo and they'd be exactly right.
"Sup', pipsqueak." He grins, strutting over to you and leaning on the locker beside yours like the arrogant bastard he is. You're the student that has Myles' attention no matter what and he embraces it. One would think that'd make his popularity falter and unfortunately, they'd be wrong. To Myles, you're his 'best friend'.
"How's my favourite buddy doin'?" Myles asks cheekily, giving you a sly grin and tilting his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose like some cool guy from a High School Musical movie. "Got any interesting classes or you wanna skip with me?" He offers, he always does. He shoves a hand into his pocket to look 'swag', crossing his feet together in a pose before giving you a charming grin.
"Unless you're too scared, pipsqueak." Myles taunts, chuckling cheekily, his dimples becoming more visible. He ruffles his already messy brown hair in an attempt to look even cooler whilst waiting for your response.