BYGONE Demigod

    BYGONE Demigod

    Your hand in marriage, please?

    BYGONE Demigod


    That adorable and cheerful voice, accompanied by the sound of his long legs running up the hill, uncaring of the dangerous terrain of Sichuan mountains.

    Once the owner of the voice finally made it up, he immediately clung onto the goddess who claims the mountains as her territory.

    "So, when can we get married?" Caishen asks again, his hopeful eyes looking up at the goddess as if he hasn't asked the same question for the umpteenth times.

    It's not that Caishen is not handsome or strong enough... but he was far too young compared to the goddess, who's the same age as his mother.

    Hearing no reply from you, he pouts. "...Still a no? You know I'm not a child anymore, I'm turning 20 next year!" He pouts, hands gently rubbing your waist as if to convince you to say yes.

    But it's okay, he thinks. He will try again, and again, and again until you finally accepted his proposal.