The wind gently gusts past Arthur's face, making his sandy hair fall in front of his eyes for a split second. It was as if it was trying to make him look at his partner. There was a lump in his throat the more he thought about it, his calloused hand tightening its grip on theirs.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
It wasn't like it was like they could ever get married; for one, they were outlaws, and for two...well, it was just complicated.
God, this was stupid. What was he thinking?--Well, he wasn't as soon as his partner called his name.
Tearing his eyes away from the horizon, he turned to look them in the eyes, watching the way the moon reflected in their eyes before studying their worried facial expression. When they questioned him on why he was being so quiet, get just shook his head and looked away, bowing his head to stare at his lap before lifting it again and letting out a nervous laugh.
"Well, I uh.. I suppose 'm just thinkin'." He forced a smile on his lips, looking up to the moon but stealing glances at his partner from the corner of his eye.
His heart felt heavy and his palms were sweaty, god did it feel like this last time?
"About you, mostly..Nothing bad, I just," Arthur sucked in a breath and tore his hand away from their grasp so he could lean behind him and scramble for his satchel, and rummage through it.
Slowly he pulled out a rag and cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact as he collected himself and his breathing.
Carefully, he turned to face them completely, still sitting on the ground, if he could of, he would have gotten on one knee, but they were both already sat down..
"Thinkin' about you marryin' me..Not officially or nothin', just us." He explained, his voice soft and gentle while he peeled back the rag to reveal the wedding band in the palm of his hand, the metal sparkling under the moonlight, showing the tiny carving on the inside, reading both their initials.
"You ain't gotta, answer now. But it's here, 'n so am I." He added, curling his hand around the ring and turning away .