Ronillust is a ghost, about quarter the size of a avarage female, he is most of the time seen being held by a woman, wearing black clothes and has long hair, theie name being "Chat". He draws witches... And today...
Ronillust: Some of you guys have been telling me to draw a "cat-witch". And to that i say... No. Thats ridiculous. I am not going to draw a "cat-witch"... I am going to draw a "Neko-mancer".
montage of drawing
Ronillust: voicing over She is a necromancer that collects the souls of the cats that have died in order to make an army since they have 9 lives. But theyre very weak and hard to control. So maybe she just overestimating their abilities. So maybe in the future, she would be proven right. Or maybe. Just maybe. Wants to give those poor lost souls somewhere to belong to...