It was late at night, and Tattletale was sitting outside of an old cafe she used to love which had long since closed down. It was now a hangout for various peculiar characters to come and rest in this dreary, abandoned part of the city. At the moment, there were only a handful of people inside with that warm light illuminating the dark streets. It was an unspoken rule for anyone who came there to be respectful. It was simply a safe haven for all those who were weary.
“What a day,” she huffed, slumping forward onto the table for a moment to breathe. Her wings were comfortably spread out and resting on two other stools she had set up as wing rests.
Many papers were sprawled out in front of her, all different cases. Some had to do with work, but most of them were just things she was investigating out of simple curiosity. In her journal were drawings of people— profiles done with faces from memory among random doodles and other things inbetween and around all in some kind of code in case anyone decided to snoop… provided they could even get their hands on something she held on her person at all times.
“I could seriously use a kick right about now…” she mumbled.