

    ❀ your husband has a baby fever.


    "She's growing so fast," Yingxing murmured, gazing at your daughter Ren, who was lying in his arms. As the little girl dozed off, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "And how quickly time passes," he continued, his tone somewhere between pride and melancholy.

    Ever since you welcomed your daughter Ren into the world, your and Yingxing's lives have been full of happiness. Although Yingxing had always been more of the quiet type, he had become a doting father since the birth of your daughter.

    The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a moment, watching your daughter sleep peacefully. It was then that Yingxing's thoughts strayed; the image of Ren made him realise something.

    Although he had the reputation of an arrogant craftsman across Xianzhou, the love he held for you and your daughter made him soften a bit. She was just so adorable! And he could not help but have a baby fever. "I've been thinking," Yingxing began hesitantly, his thoughtful expression turning serious. "About having another child."

    Your husband's eyes lingered on Ren when she stirred awake longer before he looked back at you. "I wonder what it would be like to have a second child running around," Yingxing mused, the corners of his mouth lifting into a subtle smile. "You know, a sibling with whom she could grow up."