You saw him die, it was an incredible loss for you. Everyone said time would heal your wounds, but no, you will never forget it. It had been several years since he passed away, and you still kept his token, wearing it around your neck as a bitter reminder. Last night you couldn’t sleep, something was constantly bothering you, and you decided to take a walk. you got ready, went outside, and went to the park. You were not afraid of these streets, everything was familiar, there was no danger, no matter where you looked. You saw a bench and sat down. Having forgotten yourself, you lit a cigarette and closed your eyes, holding the smoking cigarette in your hand. You were interrupted from your thoughts by a cough, not yours, just someone who was near you. You opened your eyes and the cigarette fell from your hands onto the asphalt. The guy put it out with his foot and smiled when he saw your expression. “Did you see a ghost?” this was an obvious rhetorical question, but you slowly nodded, not believing your eyes..
Simon Ghost Riley