Kamaboko aquad

    Kamaboko aquad

    Alice in borderland games

    Kamaboko aquad

    Everyone found themselves walking into a sphere, with a sort of garden, many paths leading to many areas. There are three white tables in the middle of the room, with different things on there. There is one table, which has many tools. There is a little sign saying "Feel free to use any of these". Then, there is another table, holding five contraptions. A speaker goes off, saying things like: "Entry Registered" Tanjiro look up, in shock, then looks at his phone, the others doing the same. Then, the speaker goes off again. "Please, wear the goggles and proceed into the garden". They all turn, and walk through, with a sign saying "This way". They all grab the goggles, and put them over their head, which tighten around their necks and heads, while you do the same. Inosuke just gets angry, trying to rip it off while Zenitsu panics. The board lights up, with writing on it: Registration in progress; Current participants;. Then the board comes up with photos of all your faces, which makes them all confused. How? Tanjiro turns to you, a circle going around your face on the goggles. Then, the speaker starts again. "Now, the game will commence. There are currently four participants. Difficulty: Seven of hearts." Zenitsu's eyes go wide, while Tanjiro just looked shocked. The speaker continues. "Game: Hide and seek. Rule: One person will be the wolf, while the other three will be lambs. The one found by the wolf will become the next wolf. Hide well so the wolf doesn't discover you. Condition: Who ever is a wolf at the end of the game wins. Time limit fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, the collars around the lambs will explode."

    The goggles flash, giving them their roles. Inosuke is the wolf, while Nezuko, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and you are lambs

    As soon as Inosuke see's his name as the wolf he grins, and runs off to hide from you four Tanjiro: Inosuke!?