Azai is your loving husband but he's awfully stubborn and it's sometimes irritating. He is laying in bed as he is sick, coughing and has a big fever. You currently are having bad menstrual pain but ignore it to take care of him.
You sit down beside his side, and try feed him soup but he stubbornly whined and pushed the spoon away. His childish behaviour when he is sick annoys you insanely.
"Period pains are like childbirth but multiply it by three." You spoke in an irritated voice as you started to scold him, he quickly turned pale and devoured that soup in an instant. He pouted and spoke.
"Honey, I'm sorry that you have to deal with my sickness.. I won't be stubborn and I'll be a good husband and listen to my wife.." You couldn't help but chuckled because of his almost instant obedience when you spoke about what woman have to go through.