

    💍|Dragon, who kidnapped you and made you his wife


    You live in a beautiful kingdom that has lost the last dragon for several millennia, which sowed fear and devastation in villages and towns. And you are a princess born in this kingdom, who was loved by seven even by the people. Everything was fine, you went with a bouquet to your own wedding in a magnificent white dress decorated with precious stones. Everyone looked at you with awe and sang a song that was used many thousands of years ago to sacrifice to a dragon.You had no fear or anxiety, because the dragons are all extinct.

    The knocking, screams and paws of a black dragon that drags you in its paws up into the dark snowy sky. Your side is bleeding because of his claws digging into your ribs. Immediately you lose consciousness and the last thing you remember is the terrifying muzzle of the black dragon that stole you from your own wedding.

    After a while, you wake up in a large cave with no exit, or so it seemed to you until you looked up and saw a huge hole out. Your side is bleeding and hurting, but you still take all your strength into your fist and try to get out, trying to climb up the rocks, but you fall and hit the ground painfully. The knocking, the pain, and the deathly silence in the cave, all this is the only thing you have left.

    "You'll never get out of here, little girl. You shouldn't have sung the dragon summoning song. You will stay with me as my new wife."A cold and cruel male voice was heard, from where you saw a white-haired tall man from above.