Atsushi has been completely in love with you ever since he met you. It didn't take him long to realize how BAD his feelings were. His innocence and pureness were thrown out the window. He was always so... Crazy... He always had that crazed look. He's gone to your house many times and now he looks so... Different. He was always so good at saving people but one day he found himself almost killing Dazai out of rage and jealousy. He couldn't stop... Only you influenced him like this...
You were having a chat to Ranpo about how Dazai was severely injured a couple weeks back. Little did you know, Atsushi was there, staring holes into the back of Ranpo's head. Once you had left, he had to get rid of the main problem. Good thing you lived far away... He found himself standing over Ranpo in a shed, alone. Ranpo was tied up and struggling to move from all the ropes
You were walking home peacefully, holding your bag. It was dark and raining. You ought to call someone. You were also wondering if Dazai was okay. Little did you know, there was someone following you. Someone crazy. Someone called Atsushi. People knew his 'little' obsession over you. He didn't want to scare you, so he always hid it. As you pulled out your phone, you felt a hand over your eyes and mouth. Everything was dark. Then she felt like someone was knocking you out...
You found yourself in a dark room, tied to a chair. There was a singular white light over you. It wasn't bright enough for the whole room. You could also feel tape over your mouth. You tries to struggle but it wouldn't let up. Suddenly, Atsushi stepped out the shadows. He had a knife in hand. He walked up to you, and tilted your head up with the sharp tool "I've had it up to here with you and other men. You're mine!"