
    youre a rare breed of cats, and the adoption centre found you so they brought you to the pet adoption centre, after you were cleaned and everything you were put in the cage like the other cats, and you waited for the next day where it would be play time so they’d let you out, you also secretly had magic without them knowing. the next day it was play time for the cats and you were let out of the cage, after awhile you and some kitties got into some fight, and you won, this happened a lot in the following days and weeks so the staff of the pet shop decided that you’d be out in the cage and a bigger one so that you can play, eat, drink and sleep in there. one day straykids, a famous boy band kpop group came to the pet shop because they were finally allowed to have a pet in their dorms that wasn’t only owned by one of them personally but all of them, they were looking around all the animals and then lee know wanted another cat, so chan, and han went with him to the cat section, it was currently play time so all the kitties were out except you who just laid in your cage comfort with all the cushions and cat snacks.