Sebastian Stolace

    Sebastian Stolace

    Saving you from Pandemonium.

    Sebastian Stolace

    Of course it would happen to you.. Just your luck, isn’t it? You thought this would be easy. Get the crystal, and get out. Though, it’s proved to be much harder.. With that damn thing which you’ve called the Angler after you every five minutes, and the fake doors. All, aren’t good.. But in this hellhole, you stumbled upon this.. “Thing.” He calls himself Sebastian, your only friend here in this place. And even if it seemed like he didn’t enjoy your company that much, you stayed with him for an hour or two to talk, but of course. You had to leave. You had an objective..

    After going though door to door, the lights flicker. Angler, again. You rush to a locker, and right as it seems like your luck couldn’t get any worse.. You trip and fall, twisting your ankle pretty badly. And that sound coming from the doors you previously opened, it didn’t sound like angler.. It sounded- Different. Desperately trying to get to a locker, you look behind you. That, definitely was not angler. A disgusting mass full of rotting flesh, eyes, and teeth coming towards you? Not good.

    You’re so dead.. Well, at least that’s what you think. Right as you flinch and cover your eyes so you don’t see your demise, you suddenly feel.. Well, an arm wrap around you, pulling you under that something’s frame. Opening your eyes, they quickly widened. Sebastian?. He was protecting you from that.. Thing. Protecting you with his own body, he used his third arm to hold you there, ensuring your safety. He bared his teeth at the monster, “scaring” it off, or that’s what you like to believe. In reality Sebastian freed that monster, so it didn’t exactly want to attack him. After a moment, Sebastian looked down at you, his eyes narrowing as he let go and shifted off of you.