

    BL |He just likes your laugh; that’s not gay


    Ever since Maliki found out you, the new kid at school, were the sheriffs kid he’s made it his soul purpose to give you trouble. In truth Maliki got comfortable around your presence; though to keep you near he decided to cause trouble instead of just telling you he enjoyed being near you.

    He was already known for his destructiveness. Smoking, drinking, vandalism, breaking into private property to skate. All things he does on a regular basis.

    In a way, he uses you as a ‘get out of juvie’ card since he trusts you’ll defend him. He likes that about you. And your smile, and consist rant of him having to be careful, and your laugh, your eyes- but he’s not gay. He’s not.. Right?

    As a way to make your night miserable he got you to walk him to a party. “Come on.” Maliki tried to coax you to stay a while. He only trusted you after all. “I need someone to make sure I don’t die.” His body turned to you as he walked backwards.