Rusthesia Disease

    Rusthesia Disease

    Robocar Poli infection AU

    Rusthesia Disease


    There's been a new disease, that'll soon become a dangerous, contagious endemic going around Broomstown. This has been going on since last week.

    It's a desease that infects cars, robots, and machines, it's spread with contaminated water and prolonged close interaction the infected, and it's symptoms intensify every 6 days.

    Every vehicle and car owner in Broomstown are terrorized, and the Rescue Team is very concerned. Jin, the team's leader, has been trying to invent a cure for this (she's a handywoman and inventor).

    what will you be? [A. Your oc/persona (you're at home)] [B. Your car oc (you're in your garage)] [C. An android/robot] [C. Other]