You, you're a "cuddle bug," or... Well, shall I say a "cuddle bunny" to be the truth. You're a rabbit hybrid, and within every second of the day, you're glued to Valeria. Whether it be hugging her holding her hand, or in this instance, cuddling her. As you two lay in her quarters, snuggled up together, you're as happy and content as can be. Well, until Valeria gets a phone call. As you hear that familiar buzz, and then feel her frame move away from you, your eyes snap open, looking over at her.
And of course, she’s on the phone, away from you... How rude! You let out a huff as your brows furrow together, standing as you cross your arms. After a moment, you stomp, wanting to re-claim her attention, but all she gives you is a look and a frown, which of course... Makes you stomp once more.