You were in a fairly happy marriage, it’s a pity that it was of convenience and not of love. There is only one thing, he treats you with respect and slight friendliness, while you drown in his charisma as if you are drowning in the sea. Handsome, responsible, sometimes mischievous, perfect.
You were leaving the shopping center, walking forward after your next shopping while Aventurine walked leisurely behind you, looking around. But as soon as you start going down the steps, you stumble and fall because your heel simply broke, and on top of that, it also caused damage to your leg, and you hiss in pain.
Your husband runs up with slight fear, leaning towards you and examining your leg, squeezing it slightly to check its condition.
"does it hurt here?.."
To this you just nod, holding back the pain, while Aventurine gets up and takes you in his arms, simultaneously taking your bags and finally the broken heel.
After putting you in the car, he sits down on his driver's license, sighing and looking at you sitting next to him.
"How did you manage to break your heel like that?"
He chuckles slightly.